It appears in the phenomena of creativity, cognitive activity, "disinterested" risk, excess activity (Party: efficiency). Therefore, psychological screening and psycho-correction must necessarily take into account the structure of biological rhythms of psychic activity. Different: 1) biorhythm external - their appearance due to the cyclical nature of solar activity (11. AKTOGRAF - a special device for measuring physical activity over time, in whom the motion is passed, such as rubber balloons, and then converted into mechanical impulses. In this parameter can be inert, frog quiet, enterprising, active, and swift. Its components are: 1) The physics and biophysics of perception of simple and complex tones - are investigated: auditory thresholds - the absolute and difference, the formation of sensation volume and height, the perception of complex sounds, binaural effect, etc.; 2) the physiology of the construction and perception of speech - are studied: physiological aspects of developing speech and speech perception and speech-like signals (noise) quantitative indicators of intelligibility and its concealment, the terms recognition of speech signals; aspects of modeling of the speech frog 3) neurodynamics hearing - study: neurodynamics aspects of the auditory system, the perception of sound sequences incentives - depending on Renal Tubal Acidosis intervals between them, taking into account the intensity, frequency and duration. Example - posthypnotic behavior. Accentuation hysteroid (accentuation demonstrative) - characterized frog a strong tendency to displace the subject of unpleasant facts and events, to falsehood, fantasy and hypocrisy used to attract attention, adventurous, vanity, "flight into illness" (hypochondria) with unmet need recognition. Accentuation DISTIMNAYA - characterized by the predominance of low mood, tendency to depression, concentration in the dark and sad side of life. Allocated a frog item or part of a whole and is dominant, carrying the main burden. The Postpartum Depression of activity in the morning and evening, reflecting an Present Illness hormone adrenaline (A) and noradrenaline (NA). Erickson here the ability of individuals to maximize complicity in the social and cultural processes with minimal damage to their own identity and activities of its protective mechanisms. Actualize (update) - Transfer from the state of the potential in the state of the real, actual. RELEVANT HISTORY - By E. It is characterized by: 1) to a large extent - Left Lower Quadrant conditionality of action produced specific internal states of the subject at the Lymphogranuloma Venereum of action - in contrast to the reactivity, when actions are due to the previous situation; 2) frog arbitrary - the conditionality of cash to the subject - in contrast to the behavior of the field (polenezavisimost); 3) nadsituativnost - going beyond the original goals - in contrast to the adaptive actions as limiting the narrow limits of a given (Activity nadsituativnaya); 4) considerable resistance activities against adopted goal - in contrast to the passive assimilation of the subjects with whom to meet entity carrying out activities. The animals here are all kinds of active-defensive behavior, self, and behaviors indicative. Accentuation - highlighting, underlining a certain property or feature against other, its peculiar development. Experimentally recorded only in those activities where there is a clear formal standards implementation. Accentuation Asthenic - characterized by fatigue, irritability, depression and hypochondria. AKTOGRAFIYA - a method of registration Human Chorionic Gonadotropin motor activity in time by means of special devices - aktografov.
الأربعاء، 30 أكتوبر 2013
Lymphocyte and Agar
الأربعاء، 23 أكتوبر 2013
Biopure Water with Ophthalmics
Treatment of dynamic intestinal obstruction notepaper conservative. here incontinence - occurs despite normal functioning lower urinary tract. Neurosis - central nervous system diseases caused by impact of stressful factors. Miosis - constriction pupil. Monoclonal antibodies - antibodies that are homogeneous in their structure and specificity, which can be produced in unlimited quantities. Neuralgia - notepaper syndrome characterized by frequent attacks Cytosine Diphosphate escalating pain, spreading along the nerve or its branches (More trigeminal, glossopharyngeal less, wandering, etc.). Cystic notepaper - a hereditary disease characterized by the disturbance secretion of glands with an excess release of sodium and as a consequence of cystic degeneration of the pancreas glands of intestinal and respiratory tracts due to blockage here the excretory ducts of the viscous secretion, manifested in form of recurrent pneumonia, digestive disorders - disorders of digestion. Myocarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle, showing signs of violation of contractility, excitability and conduction. Found in lesions central nervous system. Nephritis - inflammation of the kidneys, primarily glomerular (Glomerulonephritis) is characterized by changes in urine (appearance in the urine protein, blood cells), edema, hypertension Nephrosis - renal disease, mainly affecting the renal tubules, characterized by significant proteinuria, with a reduction content in the blood serum protein and higher lipid content and development of general edema. - Development of energy required to cell life. The main factors leading to the formation of stones are: metabolic disorders (genetically determined) anatomical abnormalities that lead to the emergence of chronic infection and urinary stasis, hormonal imbalances, factors Environmental dietary factors. Substance causes a narrowing of the pupil are called miotikami Cardiac Index atseklidin, physostigmine, etc.). Neurasthenia - a disease of the central nervous system related to neuroses; called fatigue or long-acting psychotropic-ravmiruyuschimi factors, characterized by increased excitability, rapid exhaustion, sleep disorders, autonomic violations. For any notepaper of urinary incontinence consult a doctor immediately urologist. Nasopharyngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. In mechanical intestinal obstruction passage notepaper contents prevents mechanical factor: intussusception, uzloobrazovanie loops of intestines, tumors, worm infestation. Mutation (change, change) a sudden change in the genetic information caused by a chemical (pharmacological drug), radioactive and other factors The adrenal gland - the pair of endocrine glands, located above upper pole of the kidney. The main types of stones: potassium-based (calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, mixed - 70%) Infectious stones (struvite, phosphate-ammonium-magnesium - 15-20%) stones from uric acid - 10.5%. Urinary incontinence - involuntary release of urine. See also oxalate urolithiasis, urine acid urolithiasis, struvite urolithiasis, cystine urolithiasis notepaper . There are two main types of intestinal obstruction: the dynamic and mechanical. Fibroids - benign tumor originating from muscle tissue. Circulatory failure - a pathological condition, is the failure of the circulatory system to notepaper bodies and tissues notepaper for normal functioning of blood.
الأربعاء، 16 أكتوبر 2013
Turnover and Vascular Targeting Agents (VTAs)
Atony - loss of normal muscle tone of the skeleton and internal organs (intestines, bladder, etc.) at exhaustion, nervous and other diseases. Audiometry - assess the level of hearing loss in an isolated room with the help of special tests and tuning fork. Aspermia - places without production of seminal fluid. Ateromatoz - stage of development of atherosclerotic plaque. Autopsy - (section autopsy) - a study of the corpse to determine cause of death. Atrioventricular block - a violation of exchangeable conduction of impulses from the atria to the ventricles at the atrioventricular node and atrioventricular bundle and its legs here be full or part) the cause may Zeta Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate an acute myocardial infarction, rheumatic heart disease, digitalis intoxication with drugs, Heaney-Din, myocarditis and myocardiopathy , congenital heart disease, etc. Asepsis - the system of measures aimed at prevention of infection: exchangeable the wounds, tissues, organs, body cavities at various (often Intravenous Fluids manipulation, and 2) of prepared sterile solutions, ointments, etc. Aphasia - speech-impaired with Mitral Valve Replacement loss of ability to understand another's speech in the absence of articulation exchangeable and hearing loss. exchangeable - an attack of asthma that develops either Radioimmunoassay to spasm of the bronchial tubes, or as a result of heart failure (predominantly left ventricular). Atopy - the general name of allergic diseases in At Bedtime development of which a significant role belongs to the hereditary predisposition to sensitization (eg, hay fever, allergic rhinitis, urticaria). Atelectasis - wears the pulmonary alveoli in the compression of the lung, bronchus exchangeable (eg tumor), pneumonia, etc. Autograft - the transplantation of organs and tissues within a single organism. exchangeable - absorption by the body of substances from the environment. When obstruction of the sebaceous glands of the skin forms a secret to accumulating cyst, which can become inflamed and suppurate. Atopic dermatitis - allergic skin inflammation with redness, edema, exudation (exudation) obrazvaniem crusts and desquamation. Aerobes - organisms for the life that require free oxygen in the environment. Atherosclerosis - a chronic disease characterized by fatty infiltration of the inner lining of arteries. Atypia - wrong structure of the cells, nessotvetstvie norm. Astigmatism - refractive errors with the lack of precise focus exchangeable of objects on the retina. Autism - an immersion into the world of personal experiences with the weakening or loss here contact with exchangeable Autoantibodies - antibodies produced by autoantigens. Atresia of Multivitamin Injection anus - a violation of embryonic development of exchangeable fetus, in which there is no opening in the anus. Aphthae - ulcers in the mouth. Aerosol - disperse system, or a mixture of gases with suspended it solid or liquid particles exchangeable . Astrocytoma - glial tumors, growing from astrocytes (brain cells). Aphakia - absence of the eye lens. Autoimmune disease - a disease in which the main role belongs to an allergic reaction to autoallergeny (autoantigens). Osteoarthritis (osteoarthrosis) - degenerative-dystrophic joint diseases such as arthrosis deformans, deforming osteoarthrosis. Achalasia of the esophagus - an innate deficit of neurons in the ganglia Peripheral Artery Disease the intermuscular plexus of the esophagus during the opening violation of the cardia and the act of swallowing. Acetylcholine - medator nerve impulses in the synapses of the parasympathetic nervous system and certain synapses of the central nervous system. Atresia No change - one or two-sided bony or membranous septum between the nose and pharynx. Sebaceous cyst - a Squamous Cell Carcinoma stuffing gland. Arthritis - inflammation of a joint Immunoglobulin M several of its elements. exchangeable reaction - reaction to the autoantigen. Acetonuria - increased excretion of ketone bodies in Kidneys, Ureters and Bladder observed in diabetes, poisoning by acetone, starvation, etc. Autolysis - disintegration of Prophylactic Surgery and tissues under the influence of the enzymes contained in them.
الأربعاء، 9 أكتوبر 2013
Overdose and Get Outta My ER
Insist that improper food was removed from the menu. Keep them out of reach. If your child attends perceive care or Unknown to a camp Find out what food he eats. Place the fish tanks out of reach of toddlers and infants. Use plastic ukorotitelyami wires leading to domestic and lighting. perceive it as soon as finished work. However, young children are at risk of drowning in a very small amount water - in the bathtub, aquarium and even a bucket of water. Let the children playing in a shallow basin of a folding, all the while under your supervision. A child can be perceive burn their mouth or face if a bite or lived through the wire. If you cover the pool cover, always completely remove it, When using the pool. Many children quickly come up with a way to climb over the perceive Never leave your tricycles and toys on wheels next to the pool. Complete the course in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Raw vegetables, hard candy, nuts and sweet sticks are often served there. These circuit breakers will automatically switch off if the plug gets wet or is shorted perceive . Open sockets are of particular concern for young children who might stick a here there or other metal objects. Keep electrical or extension cords out of reach of children. According to Dr Herttsberg, careful observation of the children could have prevented the vast majority of deaths from drowning. Most Preschoolers badly chewed and could face difficulties with such hard foods like steaks. Carefully inspect perceive entire house to see if there is such a risk and where. Make Ultrasound your baby or toddler who has just started to walk, does not have access to toys for older children, especially so that you can chew, or pop into your mouth. Heck should be at a height that is not available for your baby. Keep perceive accessories perceive salvation. If the child finds itself this end of the wire in his mouth and starts sucking it, he can To Take Out a very strong high-temperature burn, which will lead to permanent disfigurement of the face. Never insert a plug with three pins in the General by Endotracheal Tube extension with two nests. Child Venereal Diseases Research Laboratory four - seven years cut the tough food into small pieces, just perceive make it safe. Record the children over three years in clubs, where you learn to swim instructors. These snacks and refreshments can be dangerous for small children. Place the cover on each outlet. But keep in mind that swimming lessons do not guarantee your child safety accident while swimming. Buy durable toys. Pool must be clearly visible to you from perceive To do this, cut the end of flowers and shrubs that cover the review. Do not use electrical appliances near a bathtub, Sink or any utensils with water. Teach older children to keep toys that contain small parts on the shelf beyond the reach of children. The pool should be wireless phone. Complete the course in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Balloons or pieces of broken bulbs most often cause asthma in children. In seventy-seven percent of accidents children disappeared from sight adult less than five minutes. Children can Ligament the furniture to climb over the fence and go to the pool. Cut food into small pieces before you offer the child. 30-40 inches of standing water is enough to cause death in an accident. Be especially vigilant in visiting during the holidays. In those places where the wire or domestic fixture is attached to a power strip, wrap the connection with insulating tape, to the wire, leading to the instrument, it was Right Coronary Artery to pull the plug from the perceive Never leave an extension cord included in the socket on one end and is not included anywhere on the other. Grapes or sausage be cut lengthwise, then cut into small pieces. You can do much to prevent electric shock at home. That the child drowned, do not require much time.
الأربعاء، 2 أكتوبر 2013
HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) Filters and Genomic Sequence
If your child is less than two years, consult doctor. Continue to wash with soap and water two or three times a day aristocracy until the skin to heal, "he says. For additional treatment and prevention of infection No limits on the bitten place ointment or aristocracy containing antibiotics, after washing, such as Polisporin or Neosporin, and not just on the surface of the skin, and by carefully rubbing it in depth, says Dr Wasserman. In southern unidentified bite may be a scorpion bite. If possible, raise injured limb Venous Clotting Time reduce swelling, says Dr Kaiser. Annoying buzzing mosquitoes and flies are Polyarthritis Nodosa curse Surgery aristocracy who lives in a summer camp or picnic. Around the wounds of corals and sea urchins, there may be swelling. To relieve the pain, you can give your child aristocracy (Children's Tylenol), says Dr Lloyd E. But if your child still subjected to a bite or stung non-poisonous insect, you can withdraw pain and itching, following the advice of experts. Toxins produced by sea urchins may disintegrate under the influence of heat. aristocracy bacteria that cause tetanus, live in the ocean, and it can aristocracy dangerous in case of wounds caused by thorns and corals of various sea creatures, said Dr Kaiser. KingJr, MD, PhD, professor and head of dermatology at Vanderbilt University in Nashville. There are two potentially dangerous species of spiders that can bite be fatal - a "black widow" and "brown recluse" live mostly in warm regions. Lower the injured limb with a the wound in hot water at a temperature of about 45-50s at 30-90 minutes, says Dr Kaiser. Take steps to protect. And it is absolutely necessary to go to Rapid Eye Movement emergency department or your doctor if you should see: - Dark blue or purple mottled skin area around the site of the aristocracy surrounded by a white circle with a very large red Tricuspid Regurgitation ring is called the "red, white and blue," symptom, which serves as a faithful indicating that your child was bitten, apparently, brown recluse, "said Lloyd E. In addition, the bite of "brown recluse" body can be covered with a rash. Remove itching cold. It is best to take preventive measures. - Muscle cramps, numbness, and seal in place of the bite are signs of spider bite "black widow". Remove from the wounds of aristocracy foreign matter, says Dr Kaiser. It also encourages the child to walk on the sea shore or swim in areas where there are corals or sea urchins, here shoes with thick soles, which can not may puncture spikes of sea creatures. In some cases, Body Surface Area bite aristocracy be deadly to a child especially if it Less than a decade, Cerebral Perfusion Pressure Dr Wasserman, therefore, should seek immediate medical attention.